
Veronica Mars

So I'm a bit behind, this show was on from 2004 - 2007 but I just got all three seasons of the show about 2 weeks ago.  Since then my life has been Veronica Mars, all waking hours, 64 episodes.  Seriously, I'm talking every waking moment that was not spent at work.  Good thing we don't have any kids or pet fish because I surely would have forgotten to feed them.

The first two seasons focus on solving a big mystery over the course of 22 episodes, while solving a smaller one during each episode and I think that's why the show never got the traction it should have.  If you missed an episode, you would be lost on the clues to the big mystery.  The third season dropped the big mystery arc, and focused on the smaller ones.

I can't say exactly why I love this show so much.  The characters are smart and interesting.  The dialogue is hilarious. The plot lines are engaging but sometimes maybe a little more tangled then they had to be.  In both seasons 1-2, I was totally surprised by "whodunit".

I think the one thing I have to say really impressed me is that there is one character that I really loathed at the beginning of season one, and then, I can't pinpoint exactly where it happened, maybe midway through the season, I totally fell in love with (if you've watched you know who I'm talking about, and if you haven't you have to watch to see what I mean).  And when I say impressed, it's that the writers were able to take me from one point to the other without me realizing it was happening until I was there.

Kristen Bell is so super cute its ridiculous.  She really makes the show worth watching (her and aforementioned character I love).

Anyways, it's too late to join in the letter writing campaign to save the show, it was cancelled after the 3rd season which is very bittering as it left a lot of loose ends.  The show creator said that the decision to cancel the show wasn't made until the after the last episode was shot and although they knew it could happen they didn't want to tie everything up neatly in a bow to make the show easier to cancel.  You know when you watch a movie on the plane but the plane lands when there are 15 minutes left?  That's how I feel after my 2 week Veronica Mars marathon.  BUT I still think everyone should watch this show.  There has been talk of a movie which would be amazing.  In fact Warner Brothers have set up an email where you can send your requests VeronicaMarsMovie@warnerbros.com.  I will be sending them an email soon.  Yes, I'm a dork.  FYI, I love dorks.  FYI, I don't think Dave likes it when I say that.  Because if I love dorks and I love him then maybe A=B and he is a dork.

This Youtube video is really funny.  Chris Lowell doesn't join the show until the 3rd season in case you are confused as to who is is.


  1. Ok. You don't even understand how much I LOVE Veronica Mars. I got hooked a few years ago, and of course bought all 3 seasons so I can lose myself in the series all over again. Someone told me that it was going to start shooting again, and I was devastated when I found this to be false when I went online to verify. I'm still not over it.....oh well. Still got my DVDs, and I can watch them all over again at my leisure...
    I love that you love it too!!!
